16 February 2006 @ 6:20:00 AM
valentine's dae was good. though things we did that dae could have just simply happened every other day.. the feeling was just different. first we woke up at like 12+ in the afternoon. cut our valentine's cake which he bought for me earlier on.. then we went down to town for lunch at marche. crossed over to cine and met two of my friends.. then went pot black for billiard. got darn bored. sat at forum taxi stand smokin. called jj and the others.. and decided to head down to marina to look for jj. since their having their dinner there. okay. and for the whole time from orchard to marina.. i felt so envious.. those girls holding their bouquet and stuff. and yes i do have a big bouquet at home. bloodie shiet. it bigger than those i see them carrying. but somehow its luckie that he didn't give me on vdae. else i think i'll be left with the stalks when i reach home. so.. yea.. we were at marina.. walked and walked and walked. called jj and they said they'll finish at bout 7 to 8. so we slacked and slacked. waited since like 6 till 8 plus fer them to finish their dinner. while walking round marina sq. i tink he realised that i was kinda moodie cos i didnt had anything to hold. we walked pass minitoons and i went in looking for a pressie for my mom. while i was wandering round the shop. he bought this big bear fer me -.- LOL. i was seriously touched. haha. and i love the bear. the texture is just so soft.. so met anyong and his girl. and jj and sasa. went over to esplanade roof terrace... the place is kinda romantic.. especially on valentine's dae.. there were like sooo many couples there. there were many stars in the sky and jj started coming up with his bullshiet that those were satellites.. wtf man. give me a break. those are freakin s t a r s. stars! then anyong joined in his bullshiet. there was this darn bright aeroplane. and he said its a meteor rock.. like oh pleaseeee. but we sure had a good laugh.. we sat around.. and we met jimmy coincidently. its just tooo coincident man. not out on the streets. but at the roof terrace. and at that time.. its like cool.. so we had 4 couples sitting at the roof terrace. hah. all din noe where to go. jj was broke. anyong was tired. jimmy couldnt stay out late. so its left with me and my sweetie again. we all split up.. ma honey brought me to changi village fer dinner. okay and i swear the service sucks. we sat down. no one gave us the menu we had to go take it ourselves. no one cleared our table. we ordered them to do so. and after clearing the plates they didnt freaking clean the tables. and they asked us to change seats cos another table was clean.. fk. nvm. nxt we ordered our food and it took like 30 mins to come.. the food wasnt that bad. but i could have ate the same thing at a cheaper price back at a kopitiam. after our dinner we asked for the bill. duh.. okay and their darn smart.. their supposed to give 6 bucks of change. guess how they gave me. its darn purposely alright.. 2 two dollar notes. 2 one dollar coins! haha. so they must be thinking they'll have at least 1 dollar tips. no! im not giving them for that kinda service. rode around and saw those disgusting bapoks. their figure are like too good to be true can.. but saw this bapok crossing the road. shehe was wearing this tube, ultra short shorts, and heels. darn hot. now im starting to wonder why do those rapists and all get turned on by those pathetic school girls. why dun they just go changi village and look for one.. utterly sick and disgusting. that how i spent my lovely valentine's dae with my honey.. thanks honey for everything uve done to make me smile on vdae.. i love u. and im hoping to spend the rest of my valentines with no one else but u..

11 February 2006 @ 9:35:00 PM
okay.. i had one of the happiest yet saddest anniversary with my sweetie ytd. we went chinablack last night. it was a total blast.. it was uber good. i slept over at his hse and came back todae. duh. he's working night shift and that made me totally no mood todae. but... fwug! he could just simply bring me back from hell. he ordered this bouquet of 12 blue roses and 6 stuff dogs. and a cake. right to my doorstep. i got home bout 6.45pm. slacked around. and at 7.04pm.. this guy came ringing on my door. so i opened and there was this delivery man holding that big bouquet and a box. i was like totally shocked. and i thought for a second. nah.. i guess the fella knocked on the wrong door. so i asked him who was he looking fer. and he said miss may. i was like wad the fwug! and yes. i did say out loud WAD THE FWUG?? infront of my mom. i was like laggy for a second. i took the keys opened the door and got back to my senses. i asked him who was it from. he said its from ur boyfriend sha zhu. was like.. oh my gawd... till now im still looking at the bouquet.. haha. and.. yea saddest anniversary as well. we almost went thru a breakup last night. yes... thats like so unexpected hur. i was darn moody and unhappie last night while i laid in his bed. thinking about wadeva thats happening in my life.. why things turn out to be like that.. and thinking that i wont be able to hug him to slp everynight anymore.. made me damn irritated. i packed my stuff at like 6+ in the morning and wanted to go home. i took my keys and walked out of his room door. i sat in the living room for awhile.. and heard his father coming home. so i went into his room and told him that his father was back.. he asked me to get into his room first. i sat there. for the first time.. he shed his tears for me.. my heart broke. i told him how i soo didnt want to take things out on him. and how i didnt want this to continue. he dont deserve all this shiet from me. so i asked for a breakup. but i really couldnt do it. while he broke his first word after the long silence.. i hugged him straight away and cried real hard. i just couldnt hold my tears back anymore. we both cried.. while we hugged each other tightly. i know im very important to him.. and i know deep in my heart that i cannot live without him anymore. he has already become part of me. part of my life. after going through everything which happened last night. i know.. i finally am sure.. that he is the one im gonna be with. for the rest of ma life. honey.. im sorry. im sorry i hurt u so deeply last night.. please forgive me. now.. im left with nothing but u. and i dont need anything except the love from u. poh wei xiang.. i love you.

07 February 2006 @ 8:43:00 PM
finally ive got the free time to blog.. nothing much has been going smoothly. life is just as boring. only thing ive been doing is mapling. im like gonna be lvl 68 tonite already. everyday i just live my life like every other. nothing special. nothing new. only thing im looking forward to now is valentine's dae. dammit man. i really feel like going to pulai desaru for my valentine. but fwak! the room rates are like 110++ per nite. minimum of two nites stay. the activities there are kinda low cost. but still.. and now im thinking wad to get for my darling for valentine's. ive got like totally no idea can... lol. he has almost everything he wants. ive bought him things ranging from boxers to shirts and wallet to nano. wad else can i get for him. i dun wanna be like those brainless young kids who fold stars for their bf/gf. that is like so meaningless. thought of getting this couple ring with the name as the ring itself. those from bits and pieces. but its like ive already got 4 rings to wear when i go out. each has its own meaning and memories. then if im gonna get one more. wads it gonna look like. like im some kinda lord of the rings wannabe? gawd.. he doesnt really wear necklaces since he has his fuo pai to wear. so accessories are a total nono. down to clothes. he has like i tink another 2 or 3 unworn quiksilver shirts. ok talking bout clothes. i wanna get him a flops. but!!! its like so boring. i thought of just buying it for him like that without any occasion. buying a pair of flops for him for vdae seems tooo... cheap.. uncool.. stupid.. meaningless. yea. so im just gonna buy it for him some other dae. boxers.. his got like a heep loads of them here that its making my wardrobe burst. so apparently theres nothing else that can be worn or wadsoever. prolly i'll take his hp pouch and sew his name on it. yea right. i dun freakin noe how to do those embroidery stuff. maybe i'll get him a wallet. stuffed with surprise vouchers made by me. each time he hands me one i'll give him surprise the following dae. ok that sounds kinda stupid. but good heavens. least my brain is starting to work. guess i'll go stone and figure wad can i actually do or get for him for vdae.